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How much is BNB worth in USDT?

If you try to swap BNB to USDT, this is what you get, e.g. 1 BNB -> 208 USDT, 10 BNB -> 919 USDT, 100 BNB -> 1396 USDT. BNB/USDT is trading at ~130 at Binance.

What happens when you swap BNB to USDT?

They ran the transaction properly, what's done is permanently done. The swap was done at Bancor Network, and it seems Bancor has serious slippage problem with BNB. If you try to swap BNB to USDT, this is what you get, e.g. 1 BNB -> 208 USDT, 10 BNB -> 919 USDT, 100 BNB -> 1396 USDT.

What is 1 BNB (BNB) in USD?

The price of converting 1 BNB (BNB) to USD is $243.36 today. Last updated 01:07AM UTC. BNB (BNB) is worth $243.36 today, which is a 0.1% increase from an hour ago and a 0.0% increase since yesterday. The value of BNB today is 0.1% higher compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of BNB traded was $340,828,487.

How much is Binance coin (BNB) to Tether (USDT)?

Get live BNB to USDT conversion rate and best exchange prices with our conversion calculator. Compare prices & liquidity spreads for Binance Coin (BNB) to Tether (USDT) across these top coin exchanges. BNB/USDT is trading today at 232.84USDT. 24-hour trading volumes are reported at $-435,793,578.57 .

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